A Redemption Story

Byron Wicker
Byron Wicker
April 25, 2024
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“At this time, Moses was born, and he was beautiful to God. He was nurtured for three months in his father’s home. Acts 7:20


Dear People Who Keep Company with God,

The books of Exodus to Deuteronomy tell the story of Moses’ incredible life. As you explore these scriptures, you'll discover that beyond his remarkable leadership, many miracles are associated with him. They reveal how tumultuous his birth and life circumstances were, background details that are easy to overlook but integral to his redemptive story.

Moses was born during a time of genocide, where countless Hebrew baby boys were being drowned. In a desperate bid for his survival, his mother placed him in a basket among the reeds along the Nile River, hoping that someone would discover and care for him (Exodus 2:1-3).

Remarkably, Moses was found by members of the household of the ruler who demanded and sanctioned the slaughter of his people. He grew up in the palace of Pharaoh. This place was a continual reminder of the children whose lives were mercilessly cut off and God's seeming silence in the face of suffering and horrific injustice (Exodus 2:10).

Undoubtedly, Moses carried the weight of his people's anguish, wrestling within himself about his identity and purpose. In a moment of anger at the injustices, he struck and killed an Egyptian who had been abusing one of his Hebrew brothers and hid the man’s body in the sand (Exodus 2:11-12). Yet, even in this dark hour, he had hope, believing that his activism for justice would reveal God's hand at work (Exodus 2:13-14).

His intentions were noble - to protect his people and uphold justice. But like many of us in our search for meaning and purpose and doing what we believe is right, Moses took matters into his own hands, veering away from God's heart and ways. As a result, he had to run for his life, leaving behind everyone and everything he knew.

He dwelt in the desert for forty years, embracing unfamiliar customs and seemingly losing touch with any semblance of identity and purpose. Yet a life-altering meeting with God at a burning bush and his acceptance of God's plan sparked a profound journey of self-discovery and a deeper understanding of God and His ways.

As time passed, Moses grew to be known as "a friend of God." The Bible describes how the Lord would speak to him face to face as if talking with a close friend (Exodus 33:11). Throughout it all, God's guiding hand was ever-present in Moses' life. Moses was always considered "beautiful to God." 

Much like Moses, we have encountered brokenness, sorrow, and rejection. We navigate a world that's becoming more hostile to our faith, wrestling with challenges such as fractured families, business setbacks, mistakes, and erroneous beliefs in our relationship with God and service to Him. Regardless of how the world may judge us as successful or failures, accepted or rejected, we are and have always been cherished and valued in the eyes of our heavenly Father.

Surrendering to Christ empowers us to heal from our past wounds and heartaches. It opens the door to a meaningful and passionate relationship with God. Knowing that our heavenly Father cherishes you and desires your companionship (John 15:15), regardless of your history or present situation, can profoundly enrich and change the trajectory of your life.

Many Blessings, BW

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