A Strong Start Doesn’t Guarantee Success

Byron Wicker
Byron Wicker
May 29, 2024
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He [Uzziah] continued to seek God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding through the vision of God; and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him successful. 2 Chronicles 26:5

Dear People Who Keep Company with God,

As I embarked on my journey in pastoral ministry, I was moved by the story of King Uzziah and the profound impact of his reign on Judah’s history. His accomplishments in the military, infrastructure, and spiritual reforms stood out to me, shaping Israel’s path during his time. I felt a calling from the Lord to walk a path of significance in His kingdom.

However, my initial understanding of kingdom significance was limited and idealistic. I believed then, as I still do now, that God invites us to live lives of purpose and impact. Yet, I’ve realized that kingdom significance isn’t about making a career out of it; it’s about aligning with God’s heart and becoming a servant to His causes and people (Matthew 20:25-28). Despite his many accomplishments, Uzziah’s downfall came when he lost sight of God’s heart for serving His people.

In his early days, Uzziah passionately loved God. The phrase “As long as he sought the Lord” is a testimony to his unwavering dedication and a source of motivation for us all. It’s a reminder that our circumstances should never deter us from answering God’s call. The term sought paints a picture of forging a path, symbolizing overcoming obstacles and challenges. Life presents many hurdles that can make God’s opportunities seem unreachable. We can either give in to the urge to retreat or lean on the Holy Spirit’s guidance, moving forward with faith to carve a way for ourselves and inspire others along the journey.

In our spiritual journey, we are not meant to walk alone. Just as God blessed Uzziah with the wise prophet Zechariah, who taught him to fear the Lord, we too can expect to have prophetic and wise mentors, teachers, and supportive friends. These individuals, who genuinely believe in us and the mission we’ve been entrusted with, are a blessing and testimony to the value of community and the strength we can draw from those around us.

Uzziah’s story is a reminder that a strong and blessed start doesn’t always guarantee a powerful finish. Despite starting his life beautifully in grace (2 Chronicles 26:16-21), he let arrogance take over. His entitlement-driven anger led him to overstep his authority, particularly in worship. Uzziah insisted on doing things his way, defending his actions, and asserting his rights. This tragic turn of events warns of the dangers of pride and the importance of humility in our relationship with God.

Unfortunately, Uzziah developed leprosy on his forehead in his anger (2 Chronicles 26:19). In the Bible, leprosy is often used as a symbol for sin, representing how it can impair and numb the sensitivity of its victims. After this incident, King Uzziah lived the rest of his life in seclusion, unable to lead his nation or participate in the spiritual life of Israel. It’s a sad ending for a man once abundantly blessed and significantly used by God.

Uzziah’s story powerfully reminds us of the Holy Spirit’s desire to fill our lives with a deep love for God’s beauty and purposes, surrounding us with a supportive and caring community along life’s journey. Yet, it also cautions us against the dangers of pride, entitlement, and sin creeping into our hearts, causing us to lose sight of the servant heart of the Lord.

Many Blessings, BW

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