Fresh Oil for a New Season

Byron Wicker
Byron Wicker
September 27, 2023
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Your anointing has made me strong and mighty. You’ve empowered my life for triumph by pouring fresh oil over me. Psalm 92:10 (TPT)

Dear People Who Keep Company with God,

Psalm 92 is aptly titled “A Song for the Sabbath Day.” It was composed with the Sabbath in mind and designed as a musical reflection for this day of rest and worship. The Sabbath is also an opportunity for renewal and fresh beginnings. During our lives, moments inevitably arise when we embark on a journey of transitions and change. Psalm 92 offers invaluable wisdom to guide us through these transitional times and embrace the new season that awaits us.

Within this Psalm, verse 10 is the pivotal verse, holding the key to understanding and navigating these transformative shifts. In Scripture, oil is a powerful symbol, embodying wealth, abundance, health, and vitality, constituting an indispensable element for a prosperous and fulfilling life. It also represents spiritual abundance, only possible by the Holy Spirit. The Lord promises to grant us a renewed strength to empower and direct us as we navigate transitions and embrace new beginnings. While yesterday’s anointing sustained us in the past, each new season, endeavor, and purpose requires a “fresh anointing” from the Holy Spirit. This timeless truth is vividly illustrated in the life stories of King David and the Lord Jesus Christ, who were anointed at different times as they prepared for their unique seasons of change.

In David’s case, his anointing as king occurred on three occasions. The first instance unfolded at his family home in Bethlehem, where the prophet Samuel anointed him in the presence of his family (1 Samuel 16:13). This initial anointing served as a preparatory anointing for becoming king. The second occasion occurred following the death of King Saul. At this juncture, the elders of Judah anointed him as king in Hebron, designating him as the leader of his tribe (2 Samuel 2:4). Finally, after many years, the elders of both Judah and Israel came together in Jerusalem to jointly anoint him as king, symbolizing his consecration for national and international leadership (2 Samuel 5:3).

While Scripture records numerous instances of Jesus being anointed, three particularly pivotal ones stand out. The first anointing occurred at His baptism in the Jordan River, a profound moment when the Holy Spirit descended upon Him as a dove (Mark 1:10-11). This marked His identity as His Father’s beloved Son and the initiation of His ministry. As His earthly ministry neared its conclusion, Mary of Bethany anointed Jesus, which served as preparation for His impending burial (Matthew 26:6-13). Following His death, resurrection, and ascension to the Father, a heavenly anointing adorned Him with the “oil of gladness.” This anointing symbolized His exalted position at the Father’s right hand (Hebrews 1:9).

The stories of David and Jesus vividly emphasize the need for a continuous supply of “fresh oil” to nurture our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being as we navigate life’s ever-changing times and challenges. New seasons often bring us different assignments and purposes. As Arthur Burt wisely noted, “The anointing is pointing.” This signifies that the anointing serves as our guiding compass, directing us toward the God-ordained assignments and purposes for the current time. Fresh oil empowers us to discern where our efforts and resources should be channeled. The anointing of the Holy Spirit and power is one of our most esteemed privileges, confirming our identity as beloved children of our Heavenly Father. As His sons and daughters, entrusted with royal and priestly roles, let us embrace the available fresh oil.

Many Blessings, BW

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