Living in His Presence

Byron Wicker
Byron Wicker
December 27, 2023
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You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11

Dear People Who Keep Company With God,

Psalm 16:11 holds a special place in my family’s hearts. During our early years as a couple, we were devastated by the unexpected loss of our precious baby girl, Hannah Joy. During those dark days, a dear friend gave us this verse, which resonated prophetically over our lives. The assurance that our daughter was living in His Presence became a comforting encouragement, igniting a flame of hope within our grieving hearts. This fire grew into an enduring life vision: to live in His Presence throughout our time on earth. It is a wellspring of inspiration that continues to fuel our hearts with purpose and resilience amidst the diverse seasons of life—be they marked by sorrow or joy.

In the few words of this verse, we discern the blueprint of God’s original design for our lives. We understand that God has intricately planned a unique path for each of us (Ephesians 2:10). As I have journeyed further on His path, I see clearly that Christ Himself is the very essence of this path. Without Jesus Christ, there is no true life; any path devoid of Him leads to a dead end. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). What makes this revelation beautiful is the display of God’s creativity as each person’s journey unfolds uniquely, a testament to each of us being His unique masterpiece.

Although the journey with God is through a fallen world, there is a path filled with meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. Joy is a natural byproduct of walking on this path. It is hard to describe joy because it must be experienced. Joy is not just a fleeting emotion but a profound sense of contentment, delight, and gladness that arises from knowing someone wonderful. At its core, joy is relational, springing from the Presence of God—the ultimate source of our joy. This is why we cherish revivals and experiences of the Holy Spirit, as they make us aware of the nearness of His Presence and power. We are also designed to find joy in our relationships with people who love us and are happy to be with us. From the beginning, God never wanted us to be alone or to be without joy (Genesis 2:18).

Being at God’s right hand is not just a meaningless gesture. It carries a lot of significance. We have been seated with God in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6). It represents authority and power and even offers a divine perspective on governance. While humans often resist authority, God’s authority is distinct. He is neither an oppressor nor a dictator, ruling with utmost care and consideration. He invites us into a familial relationship, sharing His power with His children. It is the Father’s pleasure to give us His kingdom (Luke 12:32). Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, governs in a way that bestows peace. As Isaiah 55:12 expresses, “For you shall go out with joy and be led out with peace,” indicating that peace follows joy. Through His leadership, generosity, and power, we experience His profound love, joy, enduring peace, and the fullness of His blessings and inheritance in Christ (Ephesians 3:14-21).

One day, our journey on the path of life will end on earth. We will then reach our heavenly home, where we will finally be able to look upon the face of our heavenly Father and experience a joyous reunion with our beloved Hannah Joy. We will know the fullness of Psalm 16:11, a promise we hold dear. This promise is a testament to the Lord’s gracious exchange, granting us beauty in place of our ashes.

Many Blessings, BW

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